Hieroglyph In Temple of Abydos Aasim Naseem, June 29, 2009April 29, 2024 For me, this is a controversial piece of hieroglyph in the temple of Abydos. Some people (who claim that Egyptians had some contact with aliens) believe that this hieroglyph is real and in its original form. Some others say that the carving was altered by the successors of Ramses II (maybe Merneptah). It was a common practice among Pharaohs of Egypt to destroy the symbols and glory of their forefathers, to showcase themselves. An example is Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el Bahri, where statues and wall paintings were destroyed by her son. Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el BahriThe temple of Abydos was built by Seti-I and finished by his son Ramses II, the greatest of all Pharaohs. So it is natural that his successors tried to erase the trans of Ramses II from the mind of common people, and brought their image at the front.Aasim NaseemI’m an engineer by profession, a blogger and a photojournalist by hobby. Seasonal writer at LAFZ Media UK. I write on different topics and things around us. Contact me at +971.56.126.8842 or Aasim.Naseem@outlook.com Digital Diary Odysseys & Artistry Saunterer Soul Ancient EgyptDeir el BahriHatshepsutMerneptahPharaohs of EgyptRamses IISeti-Itemple of Abydos.