Untitled Aasim Naseem, December 13, 2009March 20, 2024 Her first sight, first glance; was like a shock. And I was still there, as statue, like a rockThe spiritual days with her, were much pleasant Her accord was there; in thoughts, little bit talkHer series of memories has a long chain And I can recall them with any place of clockBut time has gone, like waves of shores And I downstairs from past, with desperate walkToday, there is no gay, even in a milky way Thinking with grief; is it true, or was it mock?Aasim NaseemI’m an engineer by profession, a blogger and a photojournalist by hobby. Seasonal writer at LAFZ Media UK. I write on different topics and things around us. Contact me at +971.56.126.8842 or Aasim.Naseem@outlook.com Digital Diary Pen's Whispers Aasim's poemmy poetryuntitled